Friday, November 18, 2011

Eliminating Skunk Odor from Your Dog

!±8± Eliminating Skunk Odor from Your Dog

A skunk's spray is one of the most unpleasant odors there is to a human's nose. Putting your dog outside in the yard, hearing a commotion and finding out a skunk has sprayed your pet is not only terrible but also very smelly. A skunk's spray is yellowy oil, which they spray or mist from up to almost twenty feet away when they feel like they are in danger. Many dogs end up sprayed because they try to defend their property and the skunk usually wins.

The first words of advice are 'do not bring your dog inside after it has been skunked' as it will take forever to get the smell out of your house. The skunk odor will permeate anything porous such as beds, sofas, towels, untreated wood and plasterboard. Check your pet's eyes to see if the skunk got spray in them. If it did your dog's eyes will appear red. This sometimes causes temporary blindness that usually lasts from ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse your dog's eyes with a saline solution or use eye-drops for a human or olive oil, to help relieve the eye irritation. Take your pet to the veterinarian if the dogs' eyes continue to be red or irritated.

The treatment you use on your dog is far more effective if you do it before the skunks spray has had a chance to dry on your pet. The first order of business is putting on old clothes and rubber gloves, that you will not feel bad about, if you throw them away after. Do not shampoo the whole dog, just the area affected, as you do not want the odor spreading onto the rest of your pet. Before you grab the tomato juice, be aware that it will not remove the skunk odor, just mask it.

Here is a concoction that successfully works at eliminating that terrible skunk odor on your pet. In a large open bowl or container, pour in one quart of three percent hydrogen peroxide, one teaspoon of any type of liquid dishwashing soap and one-quarter cup of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. When mixed together, the mixture foams and this is the best time to use it. Hydrogen peroxide is available in drug stores and some people feel that joy dishwashing detergent works the best. There are commercial skunk deodorizer removers available but they do not always do a good job.

While the mixture is still foaming, wet down the area of the dog that the skunk sprayed. After leaving the lather in the fur up to ten minutes, use tap water to rinse this area thoroughly. Repeat this if necessary. For dogs sprayed in the face by a skunk, very carefully apply the mixture with a cloth, making sure to keep it out of your pets' eyes, nose and mouth. Make this solution only when you need it and always discard the unused solution, after you mix it together, as it will explode if covered or stored.

If the skunk sprayed your house or fence etc, there are commercial products available to remove the skunk odor. To keep skunks from wanting in your yard, make sure the garbage pails lids fit tightly, do not keep dog food outside and close any spaces that makes a comfortable place for skunks to live, such as under cement steps.

Eliminating Skunk Odor from Your Dog

Gun Safe Handprint Sale

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Portable Fencing, Flooring and Roadway Brands For Use in Military Or Commercial Applications

!±8± Portable Fencing, Flooring and Roadway Brands For Use in Military Or Commercial Applications

The common brands in the fencing, flooring and roadway industry are Signature®, DuraDeck® EventDeck®, UltraDeck™, ArmorDeck™ and HexaDeck®. These brands are used for both commercial and military use. All these brands are manufactured in the U.S.A. and distributed worldwide through dealers.

Portable Fencing:

Signature® and EventDeck® are fencing, crowd control and barricade brands. Portable Fencing products such as Steel Barricades, Crowd Control Barricades, Plastic Barricades, Concert Fencing, Dog Containment Fencing, Expandable Fencing, Special Event Fencing, Sporting Event Fencing, and All Purpose Fencing have many varied uses and applications both in the commercial and military environments.

Portable or Temporary Fencing feature freestanding, easy and safe to assemble, are ideal for any event or crowd control barriers in fencing construction sites, domestic housing sites, pool construction, sporting events, special events, concerts, crowd control, and a wide range of industrial and engineering applications. Signature® and EventDeck® temporary fencing is high-strength modular fence to meet or exceed industry standards,

Signature® and EventDeck® Fencing manufactures a wide range of portable and temporary fencing systems that are ideally suited for any type of facility and for the event organizer who needs attractive and cost-effective solutions for temporary and permanent crowd control, indoors and out.

Portable Flooring, Stadium Flooring, Military Shelter Flooring:

Signature® DuraDeck®, EventDeck® andUltraDeck™ are flooring brands. Commercial and military use for portable flooring offers a variety of portable flooring applications to fit any of your needs such as Stadium Flooring, Flooring for Garages, Car Showroom Flooring, Tent Flooring, Portable Dance Floors, Dance Flooring, Military Shelter Flooring, Arena Flooring, Ice Arena Flooring, Event Flooring, Special Event Flooring, Flooring for Weddings, and All Purpose Flooring.

Signature® manufactures economical temporary flooring, roadway and pathway systems that provide access, surface protection, and decorative enhancement for all types of applications. From natural and synthetic turf stadiums, to ice & dirt arenas, and from large tent functions to portable dance floors, Signature® provides a firm, comfortable floor upon which all types of events, gatherings and construction projects can be held. Whether you're planning a concert for 60,000 or a wedding for 100, Signature® has the perfect alternative to costly built-up wooden floors, staging, and decking. You'll experience immediate labor savings, improved speed of installation, and reduced long-term maintenance due to our unique design features.

Portable Roadways:

Signature® UltraDeck ™, ArmorDeck™ and HexaDeck® are roadway brands. Commercial and military use for portable roadways offers a variety of portable roadway applications to fit any of your needs such as Road Mats for Construction projects and Roadways for easy Military deployment, Portable Pedestrian Walkways. Temporary/Permanent Roadways for equipment, pedestrians and vehicles, Portable Roadways for Heavy Equipment and Vehicles just to name a few.

UltraDeckTM (EDU) is Signature's mid-range tent flooring system, ideal for nearly any tent and shelter flooring application. It provides a rigid and uniform feel underfoot that is suitable for shelters that require a rigid, yet comfortable floor, especially large-scale tents and shelters - such as TOC, dining hall, classroom, recreation center, exchange and maintenance applications.

ArmorDeckTM (TD) is an ideal system for heavy-duty tent and shelter flooring and a temporary roadway system. ArmorDeck is an advanced engineered, large panel system designed to handle heavy loads and provide stability

HexaDeck® (HD) is Signature's hexagonal-shaped tile system that utilizes a specialized inter-module connection method to provide tremendous strength and weight-loading capabilities. This enables HexaDeck to support the weight of large trucks, forklifts, and other heavy equipment, making it suitable for warehouse tents, vehicle-maintenance tents, temporary-vehicle access roadways, and other heavy-duty shelter applications.

Signature ® fencing, flooring and roadways offer a complete brand solution for your event, military shelter decking and roadways applications.

Portable Fencing, Flooring and Roadway Brands For Use in Military Or Commercial Applications

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Friday, October 14, 2011

How To Stay Happily Married

!±8± How To Stay Happily Married

With the divorce rate as high as 60%, according to some statistics, it seems as though our whole country needs a lesson on how to stay happily married. Not just married, but happily married. Believe it or not, it can be done! Being married does not mean that you give up your rights as an individual, nor should it mean that you disregard the niceties and pleasantries that attracted your mate to you in the first place.

When I was young, little girls dreamed of meeting their knight in shining armor who would whisk them away from their dreary life, ensconce them in a little bungalow with a white picket fence and two cats in the yard. Ok so that's part of a song title but still that's what little girls of days of yore envisioned.

Things have changed!! Boy have they changed. Our white knights today are also looking for someone who will help take care of them. Something unheard of when I was a child. Men were manly men and they didn't need anyone to take care of them.

Men can still be manly men but today's sensitive women realize that men have the same needs that we women do. Men need to feel loved, wanted, respected, needed, and above all, desired. Too often, we let our own selfish needs supersede that of our mate's. That is not to say that women should subjugate their wants and desires for themselves to men, nor vice versa.

What we need to do is recognize each other's needs and always aim for fair play. What is the refrain from childhood that you probably still hear in your mind today? It's "That's not fair!!" All any child wants is to be treated fairly. We tend to forget this after we marry, and become complacent in our life, with our mate.

When children are added to the mix, the complacency toward the marriage and spouse can degenerate to the point where married couples sometimes are no more than roommates to each other. What began as the embodiment of the Cinderella fairy tale begins to take on all the manifestations of a Grimm's Fairy Tale.

What happened? Where did the magic go? When your spouse walks into the room, where is the fluttering in your heart that once made you feel so alive, so happy to see him or her? Realistically, we know that this intense feeling of puppy love and unbridled passion can't last forever. If it did, we'd never get on with the rest of our lives. For heaven's sake, we'd never go to work or do any housework. We wouldn't know any other rooms in the house existed other than the bedroom.

So how do we at least keep the embers burning with occasional sparks of pure passion? I am not a marriage counselor or professional expert by any stretch of the imagination. But what I do have is 40 years experience of being a happily married woman...most of the time. This isn't a fairy tale so let's be honest here. Life has its ups and downs and married life seems to have more of them than single life.

Here are some Dos and Donts then on how to improve your odds of being in the 40% of marriages. We'll start with the Donts.

· I would say the most important criterion for a happy marriage is not to get married too young! Sow those wild oats and sow them with abandon. Enjoy your singlehood. Reach out and experience all of life's flavors. Travel, go to school, meet a lot of new and exciting people. With luck and some hard work, you'll be married for many, many years and you don't want to look back on what you should have done, could have done. Just because all your friends are getting married and popping out babies 1,2,3, doesn't mean you should.
· Don't have unrealistic expectations of what married life should be. Remember you and your spouse are the same people as you were before you were married. If you were happy...or miserable then, marriage won't change this.
· Never take your spouse for granted. This is probably one of the biggest marriage killers, next to adultery and money problems. Just because you're married doesn't mean the Valentine's Day gifts should stop or the phone calls during the day just to chat, and on and on and on ad infinitum.
· Never argue over money. This is a very hard one to adhere to but try you must if you want to maintain a happy married life. Make sure you're both on the same page when it comes to finances before you get married. If one of you is a spender, and the other a saver, you'd better have some sort of game plan before you walk down that aisle otherwise you're walking right into marital, if not, financial doom.
· This one is primarily for women - try not to put the children ahead of your husband...or at least try to work out some rational "fair' balance. (Remember "that's not fair"?) When women become moms, something incredible happens to us. Something that other non-moms cannot understand. Our child (children) is now the most important things in our life. We are mama bears looking out for our cubs and damned anyone who tries to interfere with this bond. But before we were moms, we were mates and we must never forget that.

Some important Dos

· So do make time for your mate. Every married couple should have a Date Night. It doesn't have to be a Saturday night. It can be a Sunday morning brunch, just the two of you, or a night out at the movies or dinner at some out of the way place where you won't run into friends and spend the whole night talking to other people. Make this a time for just you and your spouse.
· Always make time for passion. A common complaint from spouses (although this is primarily a man's complaint) is that their partner is too tired for sex. If one partner is too tired, then the other partner should do whatever it takes to help alleviate this condition, perhaps helping out with the dishes or helping to vacuum, and make beds. Whatever it takes to resolve the problem. Just like the people who say they never have time to exercise, there are those who say they don't have time, or are too tired for, sex. You can always find time. Lack of time or lack of energy is really just an excuse.
· Compliment each other. It isn't just women who need compliments. Men need them too. If your spouse looks particularly appealing don't just think it and keep it to yourself. Let them know right then and there that you're admiring them, that you appreciate them. If you think your spouse is a great parent, let them know. None of us are mindreaders.
· Take time to laugh with each other. Laughing is definitely good for our mental and physical health.
· Some people advocate never going to bed angry. Sounds good but truth be told an awful lot of us would be up all night then! Sometimes it's good to let things cool down and literally sleep on them. Cooler heads may prevail in the morning. Fight fair (here's that "fair" word again). Leave the past in the past and keep your fights limited to the issue at hand.

Remembering why you fell in love with your spouse, and realizing that marriage is not always a 50/50 proposition (sometimes it's 70/30 or 90/10), treating your spouse with the same consideration and respect that you would a friend or co-worker, will go a long way in helping to insure a long, and yes, a happy marriage.

There is an old 30s or 40s song sung by Ella Fitzgerald which says "into each life some rain must fall" and when it rains in your life, which it inevitably will, you'll be glad to have the comfort and love of someone who has stood by your side throughout the years. Someone you didn't throw away because of a temporary idea that single life is better or that marriage was boring or hard work. You may not be sitting on your front porch in your rocking chair. Heck, you may be out dancing and boogying with the best of them. And the longer you're married, the more you will appreciate the person with whom you chose to spend the rest of your life.

How To Stay Happily Married

Luminox Seal Reviews

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tips to Cure Insomnia - Easy and Practical Ways to Conquer Insomnia

!±8± Tips to Cure Insomnia - Easy and Practical Ways to Conquer Insomnia

Some of insomnia treatments left him more restless than before you started counting sheep? Why do you think falling asleep at the sight of bleating woolly creatures climbing a fence at all? Wait! Do not go away, for that sleep-inducing chemical, read on to these helpful tips to cure insomnia so you can finally rest.

Tip # 1 for treating insomnia: See a doctor.

If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep is, then you cansuffering from insomnia. Fear not, you are not alone. Insomnia is a sleep disorder somewhat common, and most of the world population to pass sleepless nights at some point in their lives.

A third of world population, are actually true insomniacs. Whatever the cause - stress, anxiety, fatigue or depression - ask your doctor for a diagnosis. It may be a manifestation of another disorder. He or she would be the best person to ask howto have your insomnia cured.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 2: Have your mate checked.

Maybe, just maybe, the person you share your bed with is the factor for your situation. If his or her snoring disturbs your sleep badly, tell your partner to see a health professional and have his or her snoring problem checked. It may be the result of an allergy, an effect of hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, or a deviated septum. As the case, seek medical help. Silence the snores so you'll sleep undisturbed.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 3: Use relaxation techniques.

Employ relaxation exercises such as yoga, meditation, and tai chi. Lie in bed and practice deep breathing for five minutes or until you fall asleep. Visualize yourself in a peaceful and quiet place, your own heaven. The idea is to be rid of stress, even if it's just in your dreams. Try to deal with any fights or problems before bedtime so you may be rid of pressing concerns and freed to come to bed unperturbed. These measures are so simple to do, and make so much sense that you would find it easy to apply them to your life.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 4: For Pete's sake, get that leak fixed.

Say the faucet is leaking and the sound of the water drips are keeping you wide awake, a temporary solution would be to tie a piece of string around the tap, and let it hang all the way down to the sink, so the water will just run down the length of the string noiselessly instead of making that annoying "drip, drip, drip" sound. Then when you awake, seek a lasting solution and finally call that plumber.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 5: Chuck that clock.

The more you see time ticking away, the more anxious you get; and in that agitated condition, it will be harder for you to get some shuteye. So throw away that clock. If you can't, face it the other way. If it's the kind that ticks and tocks annoyingly, as I said, get rid of it. Use a digital clock, so that it will be noiseless.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 6: Sing yourself a lullaby.

Lullabies were created for a reason, and if they work for children, then it will no doubt work for you too. By all means, sing in bed. I have personally tried this and found that it does wonders. Try to stick to mellow stuff, however, as noisier numbers just may keep even the dogs wide awake.

Drugs and pills do not have to be your solution. See, there are everyday causes that you just didn't see before. Deal with them, then go crawl under the covers for that much-needed rest. With these tips to cure insomnia, you can never go wrong.

Tips to Cure Insomnia - Easy and Practical Ways to Conquer Insomnia

Purchase Snowblower Attachment

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Do You Have What it Takes to Be an Athlete?

!±8± Do You Have What it Takes to Be an Athlete?

As an athlete is an easy task. During the season you want to be encouraged, discouraged, pushed, pulled, praised, chewed and pushed out of their physical and mental limits of the best player will be able to.

For many players participate in athletics for the wrong reasons. They are in season, out of shape, both mentally and physically. Their attitude is complacent and satisfied
His average. I do not knowwilling to work hard enough to be a champion. And if push comes to shove, the players will be able to rely on themselves, or worse ... disappear in a ball game key.

Like an athlete is much more to wear the school colors and a member of the team. It is hard work, dedication, commitment and a sense of pride in yourself and your teammates. The long hours an athlete puts in the foundation for a successful future not only in athletics, but in particular areLife.

Do you have what it takes to be an athlete? There are some questions you must answer honestly, if you're on the best you can be in sport and in life.

1 Are you coachable?

Are you a student of the game ready to learn what to teach the technical staff? Are you willing to accept criticism, you become a better player, or you "know everything" attitude? Do you strive to improve every day? You want the best of what you'rebe able to?

2 Are you ready to practice?

I'm not talking about show and put in your time, but the will to work hard
every day. And 'necessary to speed up the game with a passion for you during the practice matches. Come early and stay late? Are you ready to help your teammates to be a better player? Great athletes are working hard to become great athletes. True, there are some athletes who are born with natural ability, mostgreat athletes have worked to achieve their peak performance.

3 Are you a competitor?

It is the burning passion to compete in your soul? He wants to win, expect to win, and win the job on a daily basis? They refuse to lose if the game on line? Are you ready to be in step plate, if there is a used to do, bounce hard to deal with, or trap? Does it bother you if you give less than your best? And it's tearing at your heart when you lose?Philosopher Denis Diderot said, "Only passions, great passions of the soul to great things for the collection."

4 Are you willing to sacrifice to become the best athlete possible?

Sport is not only competition. And 'preparedness. This means a lot of time
in the weight room during the summer, maintenance therapy with exercise, proper diet, rest and always correct. Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player in the modern era, said: "I have always believedthat if you put in the work, the results will come. I do not do things half-heartedly. Because if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results. That's why I practice the same way I approached games approached. You can not turn on and off like a faucet. I could not practice during the dog if I do, that further efforts are needed at the end of the game, expect it to be there. "And professional golfer Seve Ballesteros added:" To have the best chance of playing, your potential, you mustGet ready for all eventualities. This means that in practice. "The practice requires sacrifice.

5 Are you willing to work on your weaknesses?

Too often, players do not want to waste time working on their weaknesses. It 's easier and less painful for the things we do to work well. But as a player, we returned, we spend time on our core competencies weak or does not occur. Remember, the pain temporarily ..... the pride of doing something and it lasts forever.

6 Are you readyto work through adversity?

It is said that adversity causes some men to break and others break records. Lou Holtz, one of the best college football coaches in America in the last 20 years, said: "I've never known anyone to do anything without the need to overcome the difficulties." Are you mentally strong? You can bounce back when the face of defeat? If you is not knocked down that counts .... rather, how often you get off the canvas. If you give your best, you canNow start the clock, but you'll never miss.

7 They have the character necessary to be a champion?

John Wooden said that sports do not develop character, the show. As an athlete you are
In the eyes of the public. Their behavior, what you say and what you do, makes news. And nothing sells newspapers like bad news. It 'easy to lead someone to find the wrong way. It could be a teammate or friend. Just as it takes years to develop as an athlete, you mustWorking for your character .... one, to develop the respect of colleagues and others in your community. It takes determination to resist the temptations out there. A friend of mine, Kevin Wall, uses this auction newspaper "I did today for some more than a few for me?" If a person can answer "yes" at the end of the day, then that person has had a good day.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be an Athlete?

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Backyard Dog Kennel - Safe Place your dog

!±8± A Backyard Dog Kennel - Safe Place your dog

A dog kennel yard to keep your dog out of the needs and problems of experience away from your dog. You will be comforted in knowing that your dog is not to take ownership of your neighbor, and is safe to wander the neighborhood dogs, animals or traffic. If you give the kennel in your yard there are no worries about returning home to discover that your dog has torn the trash or your neighbors, leaving behind a trail of garbage up and down the whole way. It is not necessaryWorry about your dog right in front of a moving car or attack the postman, if the dog is safe in his bed.

If you are a dog owner without a fenced yard, you are usually faced with one of two choices. Or do you trust your dog enough to give free rein as you go about your business or a chain to a pole or a tree. I think it's safe to assume that most pet owners would be much more comfortable with the chain, especially if you are near a busy road or liveForests. A backyard kennels can be a viable alternative. Your dog will not be limited by a chain and can run freely in the kennel. A dog kennel is easy and relatively inexpensive to build. Just find a decent place in your garden. A point that is significant enough to worry about running for your dog. A playful, healthy, active pet is a happy dog. An entity that also provide lots of shade for those hot summer days for research. Many people put their litter boxes around a large tree in hisBackyard for his dog in a cool and shaded.

Fencing can be found at any local pet store or home. You need to know exactly how many meters the correct measures are needed to fence (typically anywhere from 50 feet to 100 feet) and how high should the fence. If the dog is known to be a high jumper, you might want to avoid a short fence. A dog is usually higher for five or six feet of fence. You should also consider whether you are alone at home orWe rent. A house can decide to install a permanent structure in his garden while someone is renting their property to a temporary shelter, the easy to disassemble and move it as you wish.

More and more people are choosing a kennel yard when it comes to their dog with a safe place, in essence, an out of the house to go home.

A Backyard Dog Kennel - Safe Place your dog

Rechargeable Weed Wacker For Sale

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kidkusion Retractable Driveway Guard

!±8± Kidkusion Retractable Driveway Guard

Brand : KidKusion | Rate : | Price : $78.48
Post Date : Sep 20, 2011 12:40:32 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Kid Kusion Kid Safe Driveway Guard - 18 ft. Protect your toddlers from running into the street by using the Driveway Guard! This bright orange highly visible net is perfect when your kids are playing outside in the driveway. The Kid Safe Guard sets boundaries for drivers and kids, and installs easily on either side of your driveway. The Driveway guard stretches to a full 18 feet, and retracts like a tape measure when playtime is over! The Kid Safe Guard is the pinnacle of baby safe as it installs easily on either side of your driveway, and is easy to remove, store, and use again. This product is not intended to be a gate. This product is a visual safety barrier only.

More Specification..!!

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mat Midwest 308313A 4-by-2-Inch Mesh 14 Gauge Welded Mesh Fence

!±8± Mat Midwest 308313A 4-by-2-Inch Mesh 14 Gauge Welded Mesh Fence

Brand : Mat Midwest | Rate : | Price : $78.09
Post Date : Sep 18, 2011 07:30:54 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

308313B Size: 60" x 1200" Features: -Mesh fence. -Galvanized before welding. -High quality, galvanized steel, with welded cross wires for added strength. -All cross wires are trimmed flush for smooth uniformed edges. -Allowing for easy installation. -14 gauge steel. -Available in several sizes. Specifications: -Mesh: 4'' x 2''. -308301B dimensions: 36'' W x 600'' D. -308302B dimensions: 48'' W x 600'' D. -308303B dimensions: 60'' W x 600'' D. -308311B dimensions: 36'' W x 1200'' D. -308312B dimensions: 48'' W x 1200'' D. -308313B dimensions: 60'' W x 1200'' D.

  • Galvanized before welding
  • High quality, galvanized steel, with welded cross wires for added strength
  • All cross wires are trimmed flush for smooth uniformed edges, allowing for easy installation
  • 14 gauge steel
  • 4" x 2" mesh

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